Email Templates

Here are a few email templates that you can feel free to use if you're trying to justify attending CascadiaJS 2020 or trying to convince someone to join you.

Boss Email

Hi {boss},

I know you're busy, so I'll keep this brief! I appreciate the time that you've invested to coach me up on our tech stack and internal tooling and that's awesome. I would like to take two days to invest in myself and make this partnership even stronger 💪. There's a really great conference for web developers coming up in September, let me tell you a bit about it:

CascadiaJS is the premier JavaScript conference in the Pacific Northwest. They've been running this conference since 2012 and the quality of the speakers and talks is really high. This year's conference will be online, which means that there won't be any need for travel or hotel and tickets are under $150 (compared to $700 last year). The conference is packed with talks from 9am - 5pm and will be covering everything from web components to GraphQL to the future of serverless and edge software deployments. They also have built-in breaks and fun activities surrounding the event so that I have a chance to meet other folks in the JavaScript community.

In addition to the 2 day conference, there are several hands-on workshops being offered following the event, including JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS and GraphQL workshops. These workshops are limited to 50 seats each, so each workshop attendee will plenty of opportunities to ask questions and interact with the instructors.

I know that by attending this event I'll come back to work on Monday full of ideas, new connections in the community and ready to try something new! The best part is, I can share what I've learned with co-workers afterwards because all of the talks are being recorded and will be published on-line. I'd be more than happy to give a brown-bag lunch talk on some of the concepts I picked-up that are relevant for our team.

So, I'd really like to attend. Thanks for listening and I hope to have an opportunity to attend CascadiaJS this year!



Friend or Colleague Email

Hi {friend},

I just found out about a pretty awesome conference for web developers that I think you'd be interested in. It's called CascadiaJS, and they're running their event online this Sept 1-2.

CascadiaJS is the one of the best web & JavaScript conferences around. They've been running this conference since 2012 and the quality of the speakers and talks is really high. There are no "sponsored talks" and product pitches are not allowed. This year the talks will all be 20 minutes or less and the line-up looks really strong.

The conference will be online, which means that there won't be any need for travel or hotel and tickets are super cheap. Each attendee is going to get a "Goodie Box" in the mail that will include a hoodie and other conference swag. The conference is packed with talks from 9am - 5pm that will cover everything from web components to GraphQL to the future of serverless and edge software deployments. They also have built in breaks and fun activities surrounding the event so that folks have a chance to meet each other, network and have fun. There are social events on both evenings that will include live music, games and karaoke 🎤.

In addition to the 2 day conference, there are several hands-on workshops being offered following the event, including JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS and GraphQL workshops. These workshops are limited to 50 seats each, so each workshop attendee will plenty of opportunities to ask question and interact with the instructors.

Anyway, I already bought my ticket, you should come! Hope you can join me!

